
My first meeting with the new British High Commissioner

My first meeting with the new British High Commissioner was engaging and very special – we met on the RFA Lyme Bay! It was a pleasure to also engage and exchange ideas with the Minister of Fisheries Hon Princess Dugbah. Among many topics related to the ocean, ports and fishing, we discussed the impact of mangrove destruction on artisanal fishing and resultant dwindling fish stocks. I explained how Freetown City Council is addressing mangrove destruction through further expanding #FreetownTheTreeTown whilst recognizing the urgent need for multi-stakeholder collaboration. Today was an opportunity to extend a warm welcome to Freetown to H.E. Josephine Gauld! We look forward to continuing our excellent partnership with UK in Sierra Leone!

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A busy weekend

Like most Saturdays, yesterday was a very busy day!! It started with a meeting with the German Ambassador and the German Foreign Office Director for