
Addressing Freetown’s flooding challenge


I attended an extremely constructive meeting today chaired by the Minister of Environment  , with the Minister of Local Government And Community Relations, Deputy Minister of Lands, National Security Coordinator  of the ONS, NDMA, SLRA, Chairman of the Western Area Rural District.   All the stakeholders presented their perspectives on the reasons for the recent flooding and the actions being taken by their institutions to combat it. We discussed challenges around the lack of land use planning and ineffective building permit issuance, the buildup of silt on the roads and gutters caused by deforestation, the inadequate size of existing storm water drainage, sanitation challenges due to lack of road access and more. Below is a slide that

I presented at today’s meeting showing the city’s environmental challenges and photos of FCC’s ongoing clearance of the silt on Mellon Street today. We have planned joint institutional assessments of flood flashpoints in the coming days and will hold regular meetings in the light of the predictions of more heavy rain.



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